четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

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Satellite TV • Cinema

Which Characters Will Be Killed off Permanently in Avengers 4?
Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Avengers: Infinity War

The death count hit an all-time high for the MCU in Avengers: Infinity War, so audiences are no doubt desperate to discover who will be killed off permanently in next year’s Avengers 4. With time travel playing an integral role in the upcoming Avengers assemblage, the deaths from Infinity War can be undone. This much is certain. However, that won’t likely save the remaining survivors in the battle’s finale—nor will it prevent any resurrected characters from making a swift return to the grave before the credits roll.

As tragic as the end of Infinity War might have been, everything is fixable. Not unlike other movies where the villain ends up succeeding in the end, Infinity War strips hope to the bone; but the heroes are essentially gifted with a do-over. They get the chance to pursue the comeback of all comebacks (resurrecting the lives of half the entire universe). That said, though, as is the case with all wars, permanent casualties are inevitable. In the same vein of Thanos needing to sacrifice something for the sake of “the bigger picture,” some Avengers may need to lay down their lives for the greater good.
So, seeing as it’ll be difficult saying goodbye to the MCU’s beloved characters (some who’ve been around for the past decade), it might help to be emotionally prepared. Nothing is certain (not only because the Avengers 4 script is so tightly bound in secrecy, but because there are no sure bets with time travel), and the surviving roster of Avengers may well meet their makers in the final fight against Thanos.
Though there is technically no way to know for sure what the ultimate fate will be for characters in the MCU, Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark/Iron Man) and Chris Evans (Steve Rogers/Captain America) have all but confirmed their respective ends with the franchise. Not only have neither of the two actors Satellite TV • Cinema

Satellite TV • Cinema

Every Record Avengers: Infinity War Has Broken
Last Updated: May 9

Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is breaking all sorts of box office records – and it doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon. The 2018 superhero team-up film – directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and based on a script by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely – is undoubtedly one of the biggest movies ever to grace the silver screen. It’s billed as the beginning of the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first saga that began with the original Iron Man movie way back in 2008.

Although it’s technically the first part of a two-part story, Avengers: Infinity War successfully unites virtually every major MCU character from across the shared universe as well as intersects storylines that span more than a dozen movies. It’s a rather unprecedented feat in filmmaking and a true achievement in that regard, despite what one may think of the movie itself. Because of that – and because the movie unites the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Guardians of the Galaxy against the Mad Titan Thanos – Avengers: Infinity War has taken off and broken several records in its path at both the domestic and worldwide box office.
Avengers: Infinity War surpassed the last seven Marvel movies combined in terms of presale tickets sold. That meant passing Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther, which was the previous record-holder for most number of tickets presold for a superhero movie on Fandango. Sure, that may seem like a specific record, but most tickets are presold on Fandango and the sheer number of superhero movies hitting the market means there are a lot of properties to compete with. Plus, AMC also stated that Infinity War‘s presale tickets had surpassed Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age of Ultron by more than 1,000 percent, which itself was more than 250 percent than Black Panther.

AVENGERS: Satellite TV • Cinema

Cinema - Страница 2 - Спутниковый рай

Cinema - Страница 2 - Спутниковый рай

Every Record Avengers: Infinity War Has Broken

Last Updated: May 9

Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is breaking all sorts of box office records – and it doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon. The 2018 superhero team-up film – directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and based on a script by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely – is undoubtedly one of the biggest movies ever to grace the silver screen. It’s billed as the beginning of the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first saga that began with the original Iron Man movie way back in 2008.

Although it’s technically the first part of a two-part story, Avengers: Infinity War successfully unites virtually every major MCU character from across the shared universe as well as intersects storylines that span more than a dozen movies. It’s a rather unprecedented feat in filmmaking and a true achievement in that regard, despite what one may think of the movie itself. Because of that – and because the movie unites the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Guardians of the Galaxy against the Mad Titan Thanos – Avengers: Infinity War has taken off and broken several records in its path at both the domestic and worldwide box office.

Avengers: Infinity War surpassed the last seven Marvel movies combined in terms of presale tickets sold. That meant passing Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther, which was the previous record-holder for most number of tickets presold for a superhero movie on Fandango. Sure, that may seem like a specific record, but most tickets are presold on Fandango and the sheer number of superhero movies hitting the market means there are a lot of properties to compete with. Plus, AMC also stated that Infinity War‘s presale tickets had surpassed Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age of Ultron by more than 1,000 percent, which itself was more than 250 percent than Black Panther.


Considering that Avengers: Infinity War broke all presale ticket records, it makes sense that it would also set the record for Thursday night previews for an MCU movie. Avengers 3 grossed $39 million on Thursday, April 26, which was then factored into its single Friday gross. That number easily puts Infinity War past Avengers: Age of Ultron‘s previous record of $27.6 million that it set in 2015. The next movie that would logically break that record, if it’s even possible, is the Russo Brothers’ Avengers 4, due out in theaters in May 2019. That would be a nice way to keep the record streak going for the Avengers films.

Avengers: Infinity War had the highest-grossing Saturday of all-time despite second for the highest-grossing Friday slot. Infinity War pulled in an astonishing $82.1 million on Saturday, April 28, which was technically its second official day of release in the United States. That number is significantly higher than the competition, too: Jurassic World ($69.64 million), Marvel’s The Avengers ($69.57 million), Star Wars: The Force Awakens ($68.29 million), and Black Panther ($65.99 million). Granted, none of these numbers take into account ticket price inflation, but even so, Infinity War has a comfortable lead above every other movie to not worry.


Avengers: Infinity War kept its record-breaking streak going over its opening weekend by taking the top spot on Sunday, April 29, as well. Infinity War grossed $69.23 million to pass Star Wars: The Force Awakens‘ opening Sunday gross of $60.55 million. Again, even though box office records don’t take ticket price inflation into account for many, many reasons, Infinity War would still hold the record for highest-grossing single Sunday at the domestic box office if the numbers were adjusted for ticket price inflation, albeit not by as much as some people might think.

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Cinema - Страница 2 - Спутниковый рай

Solo Explains A Weird Easter Egg From The Force Awakens

Solo: A Star Wars Story has long promised to shed new light on the previous films, and even though the movie is still a few weeks away, new clips are already doing that: in this case, explaining a weird holochess easter egg.

Backing up, the movie was always going to be shedding light on the smuggler at its core. From showing just how extensive Han’s “special modifications” to the Millennium Falcon are to potentially retconning his personality across the original trilogy, it’s become abundantly clear that screenwriters Lawrence and Jon Kasdan and director Ron Howard weren’t just wanting to tell a basic “How he got to the Cantina” tale, but probe Han and the galaxy.
In fact, things go much bigger than one Corellian scoundrel. We’re seeing the early days of the Empire, the canonization of Tag & Bink, and potentially even getting some of The Holiday Special elements thrown in. And, if a new clip is anything to go by, Solo may also explain some of the Star Wars franchise’s more minor quibbles.

Let’s go back to the last time we saw Han Solo: The Force Awakens. The first movie of the Disney-era of Star Wars, this was both a continuation/restart of the classic story and celebration of the franchise returning after ten dark years (longer depending on your view of the prequels). As such, it was filled with references and callbacks. Some big (like the plot bearing a strong resemblance to A New Hope), some more subtle.

One such easter egg was the holochess table on the Millennium Falcon, which at one point Finn accidentally turned on. That’s not what we’re concerned with, however, rather the state of the game he restarts: the pieces were in the exact same position as they were when Chewie and Artoo played dejarik in A New Hope, only this time they were attacking the other way around. A treat for eagle-eyed fans, sure, it also raised some logic questions: forty years after the journey to Alderaan, in which time the Falcon had gone through several different hands, the game ended up in the exact same state? If dejarik is anywhere near as sprawling as chess, the odds are worse than those of successfully piloting an asteroid field.

Like a lot of Episode VII‘s fan service, it felt like something cool that nevertheless broke credulity… until now.

In a new clip for Solo: A Star Wars Story, we see Chewbacca and Beckett, Han’s mentor figure, engaged in a game of dejarik: Chewie makes a move that allows Beckett taking his piece, leading to the Wookiee throwing a mild tantrum. The scene is essentially about learning to plan ahead – Beckett says to “anticipate your opponent“, potentially foreshadowing some subsequent double-cross – but the action in the game is what’s interesting. Chewie moves the orange, club-wielding brute, which is taken by the even-larger, rancor-looking behemoth: the exact same move and take that Chewie will experience with R2-D2 ten years later.
The implication here would seem to be that Chewie never was and never will be good at dejarik, incapable of getting into the mindset of a master chess player and think moves ahead. The result is that he makes the same mistake repeatedly. And if he does it against both Beckett and Artoo, he can do it to others much later in the timeline, making the game ending up in the same state a lot more understandable (and even suggesting he eventually gets the upper hand).

The question now is why this has been done by the filmmakers. Is this new scene a move by the Kasdans, Howard or the Story Group to address that niggle from Episode VII, or was this cyclical explanation, deepening a throwaway moment in the original Star Wars, always intended? Larry Kasdan did write The Force Awakens and was already working on Solo at the time: it’s possible, as with the gold dice originally intended to appear, he threaded more references between the two films. Of course, none of this may be intentional, and Lucasfilm has accidentally created and solved a weird logic gap.

Whatever the case, if they’re going to be resolving confusing easter eggs, we can only hope they’ll also explain the Millennium Falcon’s Revenge of the Sith appearance.