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вторник, 4 декабря 2018 г.

Satellite TV • Cinema

Star Wars 9: Kylo Ren Reportedly Has A New Helmet
Kylo Ren will reportedly wear a new helmet during the events of Star Wars: Episode IX. The mask has been an integral aspect of the character ever since his debut in 2015's The Force Awakens, as it's always been more than just a neat-looking visual designed to sell merchandise. It's directly connected to the former Ben Solo's psychology; he originally wore it to conceal his identity as he studied the dark side of the Force, in an obvious homage to his grandfather, Darth Vader. In The Last Jedi, Kylo actually destroyed it after being chastised by Supreme Leader Snoke.

After his failure at Starkiller base, Kylo obviously felt the need to prove himself to Snoke (which explains why he wrecked the helmet), but the troubled youngster went a completely different route as The Last Jedi progressed. In one of the more shocking cinematic twists in recent memory, Ren killed Snoke and appointed himself as the new Supreme Leader. With Snoke, mocker of helmets, out of the way, some might be wondering if Kylo will have some new headgear in Episode IX. And it definitely sounds like that's the case.
According to Making Star Wars, Kylo will be in possession of a mask in Episode IX. From the sound of things, it could be his damaged one repaired, as it's being held together by "red crystalline bonding material" and has a "very corrupted look." Of course, this is just a rumor for the time being, but it's nevertheless an interesting development.
Considering it was Rian Johnson who destroyed the helmet (mainly to showcase the full range of Adam Driver's performance), it'd be easy for the Last Jedi detractors to point to this as an instance of J.J. Abrams retconning in Episode IX. However, a twisted, "corrupted" helmet actually sounds quite appropriate for Kylo Ren's current mental state. Through his actions, Ben Solo found himself completely alone in the universe. Leia gave up on him, Rey severed their connection, and his colleagues in the First Order despise him. Whatever was left of Ben's humanity has Satellite TV • Cinema

Satellite TV • Cinema

Jason Momoa Reveals Justice League Snyder Cut Ending Details
Zack Snyder's original Justice League ending featured a direct lead up to James Wan's Aquaman, Jason Momoa reveals. It's no secret that while Snyder got the sole directing credit for Warner Bros.' first superhero ensemble film, it was Joss Whedon who had the ultimate say on the cut that people saw in theaters. The former MCU director took over directing duties for the DC project when Snyder had to step away from the gig due to a personal tragedy. Whedon manned extensive reshoots that significantly changed the film's narrative.

It's been more than a year since Justice League was released but it remains a favorite topic of conversation among fans, especially considering the mystery surrounding the so-called Snyder Cut. Fans of Snyder have been campaigning for its release and while Warner Bros. remains mum about the issue, new details regarding the matter emerge every so often - the latest of which comes from Momoa, who details how the ensemble movie would've connected to Aquaman.
Speaking with Chris Van Vliet to promote Aquaman, Momoa was asked how his upcoming film connects to Justice League and how Arthur transitioned from being a part of the team to his own adventure. As it turns out, Snyder's original ending to the DC ensemble film included a scene where he's with Mera (Amber Heard) and Vulko (Willem Dafoe) as they reach out to him for help, possibly because Orm is gearing up to wage a war to the surface world. Momoa said:

In Zack [Snyder]’s cut, we had it where I was with Vulko and Mera and I say that I have to go home. And they say there’s this force coming that I need to help. I’m like, “I’m going home to see my dad.” I get into the back of a pickup truck and pound a bottle of something and off he goes, the wanderer. So that was kind of the end of Justice League - where I was going. Cut to me coming home, and run into a submarine.
It's unclear if the scene Momoa is talking about was supposedly the end of the main movie Satellite TV • Cinema

Satellite TV • Cinema

Marvel's Shang-Chi Film Moving Forward, Looking For Asian Director
Marvel Studios is actively developing a Shang-Chi movie, with Wonder Woman 1984 co-writer Dave Callaham penning the script. Shang-Chi was actually originally part of the ten-movie line-up that Marvel had planned out in 2005, but fell by the wayside along with other projects, like a Hawkeye solo movie and a Power Pack movie. This will mark the first ever blockbuster Asian superhero film made by an American studio. Callaham is Chinese-American, and Marvel is reportedly seeking a director of Asian descent to helm the film.

Created by Steve Englehart and Jim Starlin, Shang-Chi is a master of martial arts who made his debut in 1973, in the pages of Special Marvel Edition #15. In the comics, Shang-Chi is the son of Fu Manchu, and was molded by his father to be a "living weapon." However, after being sent upon his first mission - to assassinate an elderly man sleeping in his bed - Shang-Chi became disillusioned about his father's supposed goodness and nobility, and ultimately turned against him.
According to Deadline, Marvel is seeking an Asian or Asian-American director for Shang-Chi, hoping to replicate the success of this year's Black Panther with "a new hero who blends Asian and Asian American themes, crafted by Asian and Asian American filmmakers." Callaham has quickly become a sought-after screenwriter for comic book movies, not only working on the script for Wonder Woman 1984, but also tapped to write the screenplay for the upcoming sequel to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. His previous writing credits include 2014's Godzilla and The Expendables.
Because of the era in which Shang-Chi was created, the original comics contain a lot of Yellow Peril tropes and stereotypes, and the bad guys throw quite a lot of racial slurs and comments at Shang-Chi during fights. According to Deadline, the new script will "modernize the hero to avoid stereotypes that many comic characters of that era were saddled with." Marvel is likely trying to avoid a repeat of the Satellite TV • Cinema

понедельник, 3 декабря 2018 г.

Satellite TV • Cinema

Wreck-It Ralph 2 Continues Box Office Lead; Creed 2 Defeats Rocky Balboa
Ralph Breaks the Internet continued to lead the competition at the box office this weekend, while Creed II surpassed the domestic total of Rocky Balboa. Typically, the Thanksgiving window was jam-packed with several movies looking to make a splash over the holidays. Some of these projects, like the latest Robin Hood retelling, crashed and burned, but others had very lucrative weekends. Ralph and Creed were two sequels that outperformed their predecessors, riding waves of positive buzz and capitalizing on brand interest.

There's usually a bit of a slowdown at the multiplex between Thanksgiving and Christmas, as the first couple of weekends following Turkey Day primarily consist of lower-profile offerings that are just filling a void until the bigger holiday movies come out. That was certainly the case this weekend, and the top of the charts was dominated by the holdovers.
According to Box Office Mojo, Ralph Breaks the Internet earned $25.7 million domestically in its second weekend, a 54.2 percent decrease from its debut. The animated film is now up to $119.2 million domestically, ahead of the pace of the original (which grossed $101 million through 12 days). The other noteworthy box office development was Creed II raising its Stateside haul to $81.1 million, moving it past Rocky Balboa ($70.2 million) on the all-time franchise chart. It'll pass Rocky II shortly and then set its sights on the first Creed.
This weekend saw only one new wide release, horror film The Possession of Hannah Grace. That movie came to theaters with very limited fan fare, so it didn't leave much of an impression at the box office. During its first three days, it earned $6.5 million, which was good enough for seventh place. Fortunately for Sony/Screen Gems, Hannah Grace sported a micro budget of $9.5 million and has already made $10.6 million worldwide. It Satellite TV • Cinema

Satellite TV • Cinema

Doctor Sleep Director Reveals Shining Sequel Has Wrapped Production
Doctor Sleep director Mike Flanagan shares that his adaptation of Stephen King's sequel to The Shining has officially wrapped production. In the realm of horror fiction, few names carry with them the reputation for greatness as Stephen King. While every one of the prolific author's many stories might not hit it out of the park, King's endlessly creative mind has birthed some of the best horror in history, including tales like IT, The Stand, Pet Sematary, and of course, The Shining.

While King has never been a big fan of director Stanley Kubrick's 1980 film adaptation of The Shining starring Jack Nicholson, the masses have always disagreed, with Kubrick's Shining often being cited as perhaps the greatest horror movie ever. Doctor Sleep, King's 2013 sequel novel to The Shining, doesn't match the original when it comes to acclaim, but the book earned mostly good reviews from fans and critics. Now, Haunting of Hill House creator/director Mike Flanagan is set to bring an adaptation of Doctor Sleep to the big screen, one which will hopefully prove a worthy companion piece to Kubrick's classic film.
Production on Flanagan's Doctor Sleep began back in September, and now, the director confirms via a recent Facebook post that the film has finished production. Interestingly, the producers involved had been trying to get a Doctor Sleep movie made for several years following the book's release, but were unable to get a greenlight from Warner Bros. until after IT came out last year and made $700 million at the box office. Maybe the delay worked out though, as Flanagan's resume in horror - Absentia, Oculus, Hush, etc. - makes him a great pick for the job. Check out his post below.
This won't be Flanagan's first time directing a King adaptation either, having helmed last year's acclaimed Netflix original movie version of Gerald's Game, a King story Hollywood had for decades believed to be unfilmable, Flanagan proved those beliefs wrong, and got a knockout performance out of lead actress Carla Gugino, who returned for Haunting of Hill House. Another Gerald's Game star, Bruce Greenwood, will play Dr. John Dalton in Doctor Sleep, continuing Flanagan's penchant for sticking with actors he likes. It's Flanagan's first time working with Ewan McGregor though, who stars in Doctor Sleep as an adult Danny Torrance.

While Doctor Sleep - both the book and film - are indeed Satellite TV • Cinema

Satellite TV • Cinema

Crazy Rich Asians Bombs at China Box Office, Opening to $1.2 Million
Crazy Rich Asians debuted in China this weekend, and promptly bombed at the box office. While the movie was a runaway hit in the U.S., grossing $173 million domestically, it has failed to translate that success abroad, earning only $64 million from international markets.

The highest grossing rom-com of the year, Crazy Rich Asians, based on the book of the same name by Kevin Kwan, tells the story of a Chinese-American woman (Constance Wu) who travels with her boyfriend (Henry Golding) to Singapore, where she discovers she’s unwittingly been dating the heir to an incredibly wealthy family and one of Asia’s most eligible bachelors.

Related: Crazy Rich Asians' Michelle Yeoh & Awkwafina Reunite For Action Film

Unfortunately, while Crazy Rich Asians was a smash success in America, the film earned a mere $1.2 million during its first weekend in China. Exhibitor Relations was the first to report the official box office numbers, but there had been much speculation about the film’s chance of success in China leading up to its release. Some industry prognosticators predicted that the level of success the movie achieved in America would be unlikely in the Asian market, for exactly the same reasons it smashed records domestically. While a film with an entirely Asian cast is refreshing and groundbreaking in the U.S., it’s not at all unusual in China, where almost all feature films include completely Asian casts.
The timing of the film’s Chinese release also likely played a part in its disappointing debut. Crazy Rich Asians was released on August 15 in the U.S. and garnered much buzz, but by its November 30 release in China, that buzz had significantly died down. The large gap in release dates also meant that most Chinese moviegoers who were interested in seeing the film were probably able to watch it online through legally dubious means before it came to theaters in their Satellite TV • Cinema

четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

Satellite TV • Cinema

Which Characters Will Be Killed off Permanently in Avengers 4?
Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Avengers: Infinity War

The death count hit an all-time high for the MCU in Avengers: Infinity War, so audiences are no doubt desperate to discover who will be killed off permanently in next year’s Avengers 4. With time travel playing an integral role in the upcoming Avengers assemblage, the deaths from Infinity War can be undone. This much is certain. However, that won’t likely save the remaining survivors in the battle’s finale—nor will it prevent any resurrected characters from making a swift return to the grave before the credits roll.

As tragic as the end of Infinity War might have been, everything is fixable. Not unlike other movies where the villain ends up succeeding in the end, Infinity War strips hope to the bone; but the heroes are essentially gifted with a do-over. They get the chance to pursue the comeback of all comebacks (resurrecting the lives of half the entire universe). That said, though, as is the case with all wars, permanent casualties are inevitable. In the same vein of Thanos needing to sacrifice something for the sake of “the bigger picture,” some Avengers may need to lay down their lives for the greater good.
So, seeing as it’ll be difficult saying goodbye to the MCU’s beloved characters (some who’ve been around for the past decade), it might help to be emotionally prepared. Nothing is certain (not only because the Avengers 4 script is so tightly bound in secrecy, but because there are no sure bets with time travel), and the surviving roster of Avengers may well meet their makers in the final fight against Thanos.
Though there is technically no way to know for sure what the ultimate fate will be for characters in the MCU, Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark/Iron Man) and Chris Evans (Steve Rogers/Captain America) have all but confirmed their respective ends with the franchise. Not only have neither of the two actors Satellite TV • Cinema

Satellite TV • Cinema

Every Record Avengers: Infinity War Has Broken
Last Updated: May 9

Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is breaking all sorts of box office records – and it doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon. The 2018 superhero team-up film – directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and based on a script by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely – is undoubtedly one of the biggest movies ever to grace the silver screen. It’s billed as the beginning of the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first saga that began with the original Iron Man movie way back in 2008.

Although it’s technically the first part of a two-part story, Avengers: Infinity War successfully unites virtually every major MCU character from across the shared universe as well as intersects storylines that span more than a dozen movies. It’s a rather unprecedented feat in filmmaking and a true achievement in that regard, despite what one may think of the movie itself. Because of that – and because the movie unites the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Guardians of the Galaxy against the Mad Titan Thanos – Avengers: Infinity War has taken off and broken several records in its path at both the domestic and worldwide box office.
Avengers: Infinity War surpassed the last seven Marvel movies combined in terms of presale tickets sold. That meant passing Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther, which was the previous record-holder for most number of tickets presold for a superhero movie on Fandango. Sure, that may seem like a specific record, but most tickets are presold on Fandango and the sheer number of superhero movies hitting the market means there are a lot of properties to compete with. Plus, AMC also stated that Infinity War‘s presale tickets had surpassed Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age of Ultron by more than 1,000 percent, which itself was more than 250 percent than Black Panther.

AVENGERS: Satellite TV • Cinema

понедельник, 12 марта 2018 г.

Satellite TV • Satellite Antenna Alignment

Satellite Antenna Alignment

The latest version 3.5.0 has been released on 10 January, 2018
The program "Satellite Antenna Alignment" is used to calculate the angles necessary for installing satellite dishes. The main difference from similar software is the possibility to calculate the position for all satellites at once. Thus, you get a clear picture about what satellites can be physically visible from the location where the dish will be installed. It should be kept in mind that the program makes a purely theoretical calculation according to formulas and in real circumstances a lot of additional factors should be taken into account when a satellite dish is installed. These factors include various obstacles (buildings, trees), the landscape, the altitude, transponder orientation, polarization, etc. Nevertheless, this program will allow you to evaluate the position quite precisely. The calculation can be saved to a text file, copied to the Windows clipboard or printed out at once. It is possible to save the list of locations for which the calculation is done. Later on, you will not have to enter the coordinates of these locations again. Just select them from the table.
You should start working with the program from entering the geographical coordinates of the location where you are going to install the satellite dish. Enter your coordinates in the "Site location" box. The high latitude is specified with the "N" char, the low latitude is specified with the the "S" char. Similarly, the eastern longitude is with the "E" char, while the western longitude is with the "W" char. After all the coordinates are entered, you will see the calculation for all satellites at once in the table to the left. Their azimuth and elevation are calculated. Azimuth is the direction to the satellite in degrees from the clockwise direction to the north. Elevation is an angle (measured in degrees) between the direction of the signal from the satellite and a tangential plane to the Earth surface in the location. If the elevation is negative, the satellite is below the horizon and it is impossible to receive signals from it in principle. Thus, the satellites whose elevation is a positive value are theoretically visible from your location. If you know the azimuth, you can quickly find the direction to the satellite and see what obstacles (neighboring houses, trees) there are in the way of the signal from the satellite to your dish.

As it was mentioned above, the program uses absolute values and calculates everything according to formulas. Thus, the calculated azimuth is an angle from the true north and not from what your compass may show because a compass is a really unstable thing, especially in a city. It is better to orient it by the sun )
Satellite TV • Satellite Antenna Alignment

среда, 6 сентября 2017 г.

Satellite TV • Technologies

Philips 2017 TVs - everything you need to know
A new flagship 4K OLED screen with Ambilight, its first quantum dot 4K TV, and Android OS updates - Philips is back with a bang in 2017. Read on for prices, availability, specs and more...
At IFA 2017, Philips unveiled a brand new flagship 4K OLED screen and its first quantum dot 4K LCD TV.

The 65in OLED 9 series - the 65POS9603 - is the new flagship for Philips in 2017, and its third OLED TV series.

It joins the 9000 series, another OLED series launched at Philips's European TV event earlier this March. Available in 55in and 65in screen sizes, the 9002 will be available to buy in late 2017.

Philips also launched a new 8000 series - 55in and 65in 4K LCD sets with quantum dot technology. There's no pricing yet, with the 55in set arriving by September/October this year and the 65in due in January 2018.

All OLED and quantum dot screens are HDR-compatible, featuring standard HDR10 as well as its broadcast variant, Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG).

The OLED and 8000 TVs are once again paired with Ambilight - a trademark Philips technology that uses LEDs to emit light behind the TV and extend the picture on screen for a more immersive experience - which makes a welcome return to most of Philips's 4K screens this year.

Philips also launched plenty of standard LCD models. The 7000 and 6000 ranges will feature 4K and HDR TVs, while the 5000 and 4000 ranges are Full HD.

New tech includes the P5 picture processing engine (which promises 50 per cent improvement in picture performance across contrast, colour, sharpness, motion and HDR over its last generation Perfect Pixel Ultra HD chip). This processor will be powering the top TV ranges: the OLED 9 series, OLED 9002 TVs, 8000 quantum dot series and the LCD 7502 screens.
The new flatter, lighter remote control (with a QWERTY keyboard on the other side) will come with select LCD 4K models.

HLG will be available on 2017 models from 6402 series and above, and will also be available on 2016’s Android TVs following an OS update.

There’s no support for Dolby Vision HDR as Satellite TV • Technologies

понедельник, 15 мая 2017 г.

Satellite TV • TV News

Global pay-TV subs to reach 1.09 billion
Digital TV Research forecasts 134 million additional pay-TV subscribers between 2016 and 2022 to take the total 1.09 billion. Based on forecasts for 138 countries, the number of pay-TV subscribers will pass the 1 billion mark in early 2018.

Simon Murray, Principal Analyst at Digital TV Research, said: “Doom mongers in the US have been predicting the demise of pay-TV for some time. Although the US is losing pay-TV subs, there is still a lot of life left in the sector. Furthermore, they are ignoring the rest of the world. Asia Pacific will add 92 million subs between 2016 and 2022 – and Sub-Saharan Africa will double its total.”
Excluding analogue cable TV, the Global Pay TV Subscriber Forecasts report concludes that digital pay-TV growth is really impressive – rocketing from 380 million subscribers in 2010 to 852 million at end-2016 and 1,088 million by 2022.
China will continue to supply about a third of the world’s pay-TV subscribers. India will bring in another 16% of the total by 2022. Therefore, China and India together will provide nearly half the world’s pay-TV subscribers.

Pay-TV subscriber counts will double in 26 countries between 2016 and 2022. However, pay-TV subscriber numbers will fall in a further 18 countries.

Murray added: “We believe that the worst of the losses in now over for North America, with “only” 5 million fewer subscribers forecast between 2016 and 2022.”

Статистика: Добавлено RomaamoR — 14 минут назад

Satellite TV • TV News

Satellite TV • TV News

Netflix to add HDR support for mobile viewing soon
At first, it will only be available on the LG G6, but the tech should come to other smartphones - including the Samsung Galaxy S8 - soon after.
One of the LG G6's main selling points is the fact you can watch shows and films in HDR, but annoyingly there's a distinct lack of HDR content available at the moment. That looks set to change, as Netflix will offer HDR content in version 5.0 of its Android app.

This was spotted on the Netflix help page, via GSMArena.

At the moment, the only compatible device listed is the LG G6. But hopefully it should come to the HDR-enabled Samsung Galaxy S8 soon too.
Amazon previously announced it would offer HDR content for the S8 via its Amazon Prime Video streaming service, but it's yet to confirm a date.

There's no word on when version 5.0 of the Netflix app will launch. All Netflix will say is it's "coming soon".

According to the same help page, support for Dolby Vision is also coming soon, presumably in the same version of the app. Dolby Vision is another version of HDR - a few 4K Blu-rays have been announced that will use the technology, including Despicable Me and Power Rangers. The LG G6 was the first smartphone announced that is Dolby Vision-compatible.

Статистика: Добавлено RomaamoR — 19 минут назад

Satellite TV • TV News